Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
< prev
Text File
3,460 lines
; courier 9pt -9 spacing tabs: .875 1.5 3.625
; modified GETEVENT to need nothing off of stack
; added lineto
; need to change modification in vers RSRC
; Load equates for Toolbox, Quickdraw
INCLUDE "library.asm"
INCLUDE "equates.asm"
INCLUDE "yerk.macro"
newhandc EQU $a322
newPtrc EQU $a31e
waitNextEvt EQU $a860
GLOBAL $200,$200
RFILE "YERK",APPL,YERK,$2100 ; has bundle,init
SEG 1,52
origin bra ftInit ; branch around initialization da
one EQU origin
segStart EQU origin-4
lkorigin EQU origin ; null link for first entry
; begin USER initialization data
Rsize EQU 400 ; Maximum depth of ret+mstack
Rbytes EQU -Rsize*4 ; Number of bytes for ret+mstack
MSbytes EQU 1200 ; 300 cells on methods stack
HeapSiz EQU 82000 ; min size of heap given to system
maxDict EQU $3ffff ; max size of user dict to get
sysVects EQU 17 ; how many system vectors + 1 (for len)
sysVecSz EQU sysVects*4 ; total len of system vector table
udp EQU 0 ; User dictionary pointer
ufence EQU 4 ; User fence pointer
uvocl EQU 8 ; User vocabulary pointer
ulatest EQU 12 ; Latest NFA.
headlen EQU 16 ; Length of header
; Finder Handle Offsets
opflag EQU 0 ; Open/Print flag
numfiles EQU 2 ; Number of files
volrnum EQU 0 ; Volume reference number
ftype EQU 2 ; File type
fvernum EQU 6 ; File's version number
fname EQU 8 ; File name ( <count> <name> )
f.handle EQU 16 ; Offset to finder handle
YerkID ASC "3300" ; Release, version, revision, 0
initLast DATA Lastdef-origin ; origin + 12: last definition addr
initFenc DATA Lastdef-origin ; fence
initS0 DATA 0 ; offset from A3 for initial A7 (SP)
initR0 DATA 0 ; offset from A3 for initial A6
initmp DATA 0 ; offset from A3 for initial D5
initDP DATA 0 ; DP - starts past sys vector table
initVocl DATA 0 ; VOC-LINK - last COLD init
Userror DATA 0 ; Error during load
memsize DATA 0 ; Size of memory acquired
memPtr DATA 0 ; abs ptr to the user dict heap
userdp DATA 0 ; Pointer to the user dict heap
stksize DATA $ffffe078 ; 8072 stack size
; End USER initialization data
; Save environment passed in from Pascal main - address of buffer
ftInit lea memsize(PC),a0 ; see if this is a reboot
tst.l (a0) ; if mem already acquired,
bne coldvec ; skip initialization code
movem.l A3/A4/A6/D3-D7,-(sp) ; save Pascal regs
; set up a6 to point to beginning of method stack, a7 set to
; beginning of data stack
link a6,#rbytes ; a6=R0,a7=S0 return stack
pea -4(a5)
_InitGraf ; initGraf(@thePort)
lea origin(PC),a3 ; a3 -> code base at load
lea stksize(PC),a0
move.l (a0),d1
lea 0(a7,d1.l),a0 ; leave stack space
_maxMem ; force purge of the heap
jsr loaduser(PC) ; load application dictionary if any
moveq #(initS0-origin),d7 ; put offset into D7
move.l SP,d0 ; store SP in d0
sub.l a3,d0 ; reference to yerk base
move.l d0,0(a3,d7.l) ; inits0 now has offset to data stk
move.l a6,d0 ; A6 points to methods stack
sub.l a3,d0 ; reference to yerk base
lea initmp(PC),a2 ; Init methods stack for cold load
move.l d0,(a2) ; initmp now has mstack offset
subi.l #msbytes,d0 ; Leave 300 cells for M stack
move.l d0,4(a3,d7.l) ; initr0 now has offset to ret stk
COLDVEC bra.s ECLD ; jump to cold start
WARMVEC bra.s EWRM ; jump to warm start
; =======Inner Interpreter ===========
donext move.l (a4)+,d6 ; get next threaded instruction (32bit)
move.l 0(a3,d6.l),d7 ; get code address
jmp 0(a3,d7.l) ; jump to code addr relative to a3
ECLD lea cld1(PC),a4 ; A4 is IP in inner interpreter
bra.s EWRM1
EWRM lea warm1(PC),a4 ; A4 is IP in inner interpreter
EWRM1 lea origin(PC),a3
moveq #(initS0-origin),d7 ; get address of initS0 in D7
movea.l 0(a3,d7.l),SP ; pickup s0 address in SP
adda.l a3,SP
movea.l 4(a3,d7.l),a6 ; pickup r0 address in a6
adda.l a3,a6
move.l initmp(PC),d5 ; Pick methods stack pointer
add.l a3,d5
jmp donext(PC)
warm1 cfas cls,abort,semis
; Loaduser routine loads the user dictionary if there is one to be loaded.
; First get some Heap to read the user dictionary into. We want
; get as much heap as there is available, minus some for the system.
lea 0(a7,d1.l),a0
lea lastdef(PC),a1 ; Top of nucleus
suba.l a1,a0 ; Max. mem available
move.l a0,d0
subi.l #heapsiz,d0 ; Leave n k for other things.
cmpi.l #maxDict,d0 ; leave more heap on big MACS
blt allHeap
move.l #maxDict,d0 ; limit dict size
lea memsize(PC),a2 ; small machine
move.l d0,(a2) ; Save memory size.
lea segStart(PC),a0 ; segment start
_RecoverHandle ; handle to CODE 1 segment
addi.l #(nextdef-origin+76),d0 ; add in length of nucleus
_SetHandleSize ; grow CODE 1 to accom user dict
lea nextdef+2(PC),a0 ; clear newly acquired space
move.l (a2),d0
asr.l #2,d0 ; number of long words to clear
clm clr.l (a0)+
dbra d0,clm
lea nextdef+2(PC),a0
lea memptr(PC),a2
move.l a0,(a2) ; Save the memory pointer
; set up DP
suba.l a3,a0 ; a0 has relative base of user dict
lea initdp(PC),a2
move.l a0,(a2) ; Set default dp
andi.l #$FFFFFF,(a2) ; mask out hi byte
add.l #sysvecSz,(a2) ; bump dp past system vector table
lea userdp(PC),a2 ; Save pointer to dict. begin
move.l a0,(a2)
andi.l #$FFFFFF,(a2)
jsr loadcom(PC)
; Get the finder handle and see if there is file to be opened
loadcom movea.l f.handle(a5),a0 ; Get finder handle
movea.l (a0),a0 ; Dereference it
tst.w (a0) ; Check if open or print
beq load010 ; ok to open
movea.l #2,a0 ; error. we don't print
bra loaderror
; The file is to be opened. See if there are any files to open.
tst.w numfiles(a0) ; any files to open?
bne load020 ; at least one
movea.l #1,a0 ; none. just the nucleus
bra loaderror
; We have at least one file to be opened. Even if there are more than
; one at this point we are only going to open the first file picked.
adda.l #4,a0 ; a0 points past the header
move.l ftype(a0),a1 ; get filetype of the file
cmpa.l #$434f4d20,a1 ; is it 'COM ' ?
bne loaderror
lea usefcb(PC),a1 ; load pointer to usefcb
lea fname(a0),a2 ; load pointer to filename
move.l a2,IoFileName(a1) ; set file pointer in the fcb
lea (a0),a2 ; load pointer to VRefNum
move.w (a2),IoVRefNum(a1) ; set VRefNum in the fcb
move.b #1,IoPermssn(a1) ; set i/o permission to readonly
move.l a1,a0 ; Fcb in a0 for call
_open ; Open the file
tst.w IoResult(a0) ; Check for errors
beq load030 ; continue if ok
movea.l IoResult(a0),a0 ; error code
bra loaderror ; Off to process errors
; Now get the file size so that we know how much to read in.
movea.l a1,a0 ; get the fcb back in a0
_getfileinfo ; get info on the file
tst.w IoResult(a0) ; Check for errors
beq load040 ; continue if ok
movea.l IoResult(a0),a0 ; error code
bra loaderror ; Off to process errors
lea nextdef+2(PC),a4 ; Get buffer addr
move.l IoflLgLen(a0),d1 ; Get the logical length of file
movea.l a1,a0 ; Fcb again
move.l a4,iobuffer(a0) ; Set buffer pointer for data in
move.l #headlen,IoReqCount(a0) ; Number of bytes to read
clr.l IoPosMode(a0) ; Read from beginning of file
clr.l IoPosOffset(a0) ; offset by 0
tst.w IoResult(a0) ; Check for errors
beq load060 ; continue if ok
movea.l IoResult(a0),a0 ; error code
bra.s loaderror ; Off to process errors
; Initialize COLD load variables so that the user dictionary is included
; when the FORTH system is brought up.
lea initdp(PC),a2
move.l (a4),(a2) ; Set dictionary pointer
lea initfenc(PC),a2
move.l ufence(a4),(a2) ; Set fence pointer
lea initvocl(PC),a2
move.l uvocl(a4),(a2) ; Set vocabulary link
lea initLast(PC),a2
move.l ulatest(a4),(a2) ; Set latest NFA
; Now we can read the dictionary into the memory.
subi.l #headlen,d1 ; Size of dictionary to read
move.l d1,IoReqCount(a0)
clr.l IoPosMode(a0) ; Position to beginning of file
move.l #headlen,IoPosOffset(a0) ; Offset by headlen
_read ; read the dictionary
tst.w IoResult(a0) ; Check for errors
beq load070 ; continue if ok
movea.l IoResult(a0),a0 ; error code
lea userror(PC),a2
move.l a0,(a2) ; Save error code for cold
bra.s load080
movea.l a1,a0 ; fcb again
_close ; Close the file
; --------------------------------------
; area for calls to Toolbox, etc.
ftwork DEFS 20
ftwork1 DC.L 0
dsmsg STR "Parameter Stack:"
rsmsg STR "Return Stack: "
msmsg STR "Methods Stack: "
emptymsg STR " <empty>"
pausemsg STR "Paused - <Space Bar> to continue>>>"
bytesleft STR "Bytes Available: "
hello STR "Macintosh YERK Version 3.3 "
tibbuf DEFS 128 ; terminal input buffer
DEFS 20 ; for numeric output
padbuf DEFS 256 ; text output buffer
aregn DATA 0 ; region handle for miscellany
; Begin nucleus definitions
cld1 cfas xcold,quit ; do COLD word and enter Forth
; ====================================================
; Following are data areas that will be patched to look like objects
; after the Class/Object support code is in. Cfas will be patched to
; Class pointers.
; ====================================================
dcode FWIND,x,origin,fwind ; link should be 0
DEFS windowsize ; window record
DC.W 40,2,290,494 ; content rect boundaries
DC.W 8,8,340,510 ; grow rect boundaries
DC.W -10000,-10000,10000,10000 ; drag rect boundaries
DC.W 1,1,1 ; growflg,dragflg, alive
DATA nulw-origin ; idle vector
DATA cls-origin ; deact vector
DATA nulw-origin ; content vector
DATA nulw-origin ; draw vector
DATA nulw-origin ; enact vector
DATA nulw-origin ; close vector
DC.W 0 ; resid
dcode FEVENT,x,fwind,fevent
eventRec DC.W 0 ; event record for GetNextEvent
eventMsg DC.L 0,0,0
eventMod DC.W 0
eventmsk DC.W 0
eventSlp DC.L 0
mousRgn DC.L 0
DC.W 4,16 ; header for event indexed area
dcode FFCB,x,fevent,ffcb
; ------------- Default FCB ------------
useFCB DEFS 144 ; Parm block for USING file
useFname DEFS 64 ; holds USING volume/file name string
DATA 0,0,0,0 ; FCB reclen,ioRefnum,VolRefnum, bufptr
; -----------------------------------------
fcbl EQU *-useFCB ; length of FCB
dcode FPRECT,x,ffcb,fprect
pRect DC.W 0,0,294,470 ; Forth window rectangle
; =============================================================
dcode ADOC,x,fprect,adoc
jsr loadcom(PC) ; load user dict according to fInfo
jmp donext(PC)
; system values
dval S0,adoc,s0,0
dval R0,S0,r0,0
dval TIB,r0,tib,tibbuf-origin
dval WARNING,tib,warn,1
dval FENCE,warn,fence,0
dval DP,fence,dp,0
dval VOC-LINK,dp,vocl,0
dval IN,vocl,in,0
dval OUT,in,out,0
dval CONTEXT,out,contxt,0
dval CURRENT,contxt,currnt,0
dval STATE,currnt,state,0
dval CSTATE,state,cstate,0
dval BASE,cstate,base,10
dval DPL,base,dpl,0
dval CSP,dpl,csp,0
dval HLD,csp,hld,0
dval WNEAVAIL,hld,wneavail,0 ; true if waitNextEvent in ROM
dval HWPAVAIL,wneavail,hwpavail,0 ; true if flush cache
dvect VMODEL,hwpavail,vmodel,nulw ; model for other vectors
dcon NEXT,vmodel,next,donext
dcon MPATCH,next,mpatch,heapword+2 ; addr of heap size patch
dcon BEGIN-DP,mpatch,bdp,userdp ; use @
dcon LOAD-ERROR,bdp,lerror,Userror ; use @
dval M0,lerror,m0,0
dcon WSIZE,m0,winsiz,windowsize+origin
dcon CTLSIZE,winsiz,ctlsiz,contrlsize+origin
dcon USE-FCB,ctlsiz,ufcb,useFCB ; pushes addr of useFCB
dcon MSIZE,ufcb,msiz,memsize ; use @
dcon BL,msiz,bl,$20+origin
dcon TRUE,bl,true,1+origin
dcon FALSE,true,false,0+origin
dsvect KEYVEC,false,keyvec,4,key_ ; system vectors for I/O
dsvect EMITVEC,keyvec,emitvec,8,emit_ ; console emit
dsvect PEMITVEC,emitvec,pemitv,12,drop ; printer emit
dsvect TYPEVEC,pemitv,typevec,16,type_ ; console type
dsvect PTYPEVEC,typevec,ptypev,20,drop2
dsvect EXPVEC,ptypev,expvec,24,expect ; expect
dsvect ECHOVEC,expvec,echovec,28,emit_ ; echo for keys
dsvect ABORTVEC,echovec,abvec,32,nulw ; installable abo
dsvect QUITVEC,abvec,quvec,36,nulw ; installable startup vector
dsvect UFIND,quvec,ufind,40,false ; vector for user find
dsvect OBJINIT,ufind,objini,44,nulw ; init nucleus objs
dsvect PCRVEC,objini,pcrvec,48,nulw ; printer CR
dsvect BLDVEC,pcrvec,bldvec,52,nulw ; object builder
dsvect CREATE,bldvec,kreate,56,creat_ ; create vector
dsvect INTERPRET,kreate,interp,60,intrp_
dsvect CRVEC,interp,crvec,64,cr_
dval DISK-ERROR,crvec,dkerr,0
dval CURS,dkerr,curs_,1 ; cursor on/off flag
crsflag EQU *-4
dval UCFLAG,curs_,ucflag,1 ; map to upper case
; ==============================================
dcode BYE,x,ucflag,bye_
dcode (CODEZONE),x,bye_,instal
lea segStart(PC),a1 ; set CODE 1 resource size
movea.l a1,a0
_recoverHandle ; get a handle to appl
move.l (a7)+,d0 ; get ending rel addr
addq.l #1,d0
andi.l #-2,d0 ; ensure even
addi.l #$4c,d0 ; add header length
_SetHandleSize ; increase the size
jmp donext(PC)
dcode FINFO,x,instal,finfo ; point to finder handle
movea.l f.handle(a5),a0
movea.l (a0),a0 ; dereference
suba.l a3,a0 ; make relative
move.l a0,-(SP) ; push dereferenced ptr
jmp donext(PC)
dcode .CUR,x,finfo,dotcur ; draw a cursor
pcurs1 jsr pcurs(PC)
jmp donext(PC)
pcurs lea crsflag(PC),a0 ; ( -- )
tst.l (a0) ; is cursor on or off?
beq nocurs
pea ftwork(PC)
_GetPenState ; get the current pen state
move.w #10,-(SP) ; set xor mode
move.w #7,-(SP)
clr.w -(SP)
pea ftwork(PC)
nocurs rts
dcode (EMIT),x,dotcur,emit_
jsr pcurs(PC)
addq.l #2,SP ; long -> integer
_DrawChar ; expects Pascal CHAR on stack
jsr pcurs(PC)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (TYPE),x,emit_,type_
move.l a3,d0
add.l d0,4(SP) ; make address absolute
clr.l d0
move.w 2(SP),d0
swap d0
move.l d0,(SP) ; zero start byte offset
jsr pcurs(PC)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode NULW,x,type_,nulw ; empty word for stubbing vectors
jmp donext(PC)
dcode WORD0,x,nulw,word0 ; push a word of 0 for function setup
clr.w -(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode PACK,x,word0,pack_ ; packs 2 longs into one
popd0 ; get y
addq.l #2,SP
move.w d0,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode UNPACK,x,pack_,unpack
move.l (sp),d0
move.w d0,d1
ext.l d1
move.l d1,(SP)
asr.l #8,d0
asr.l #8,d0
move.l d0,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode I->L,x,unpack,itol ; extend 16 bit stack cell to 32
move.w (sp)+,d0
ext.l d0
move.l d0,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MAKEINT,x,itol,makint
addq.l #2,SP ; drop high-level word on stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode NEWPTR,x,makint,xnewpt
popd0 ; get size for new block in d0
_NewPtrC ; call the memory manager for a new block
sub.l a3,a0 ; make ptr relative
move.l a0,-(SP) ; push ptr to nonrelocatable block
jmp donext(PC)
dcode NEWHANDLE,x,xnewpt,xnewha
_newHandC ; special vers of _NewHandle
move.l a0,-(SP) ; push handle to relocatable block
jmp donext(PC)
dcode LOCK,x,xnewha,xlock
movea.l (SP),a0 ; get handle in a0
_hLock ; mark the block locked
movea.l (SP),a0
movea.l (a0),a1 ; dereference the handle
suba.l a3,a1 ; make it a Forth address based on a3
move.l a1,(SP) ; leave Forth address on stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode KILLPTR,x,xlock,killpt ; (relPtr -- )
movea.l (SP)+,a0 ; get rel ptr in a0
add.l a3,a0 ; make it absolute
_disposPtr ; release it
jmp donext(PC)
dcode KILLHANDLE,x,killpt,killha
movea.l (SP)+,a0 ; get handle
jmp donext(PC)
dcode GROWPTR,x,killha,groptr ; ( bytes relptr --)
movea.l (SP)+,a0 ; get rel ptr in a0
adda.l a3,a0 ; make it absolute
move.l a0,d4
add.l (sp)+,d0 ; get new handle size
movea.l d4,a0
_SetPtrSize ; grow the block
jmp donext(PC)
dcode FREE,x,groPtr,free_ ; ( -- maxAvail )
_freeMem ; what is max mem avail on heap?
pushd0 ; includes purging
jmp donext(PC)
dcode FREEBLK,x,free_,freblk
_maxmem ; what is max mem avail on heap?
pushd0 ; includes purging
jmp donext(PC)
dcode >PTR,x,freblk,fetptr ; ( handle --- relptr )
movea.l (SP),a0
move.l (a0),d0 ; dereference a handle
andi.l #$ffffff,d0 ; mask out hi byte
sub.l a3,d0
move.l d0,(SP) ; return its pointer
jmp donext(PC)
dcode GET-EVENT,x,fetptr,getevt
move.l (SP)+,d7 ; get event mask into d7
swap d7
ev1 move.l d7,-(SP) ; make room for function return
lea eventRec(PC),a0 ; ptr to event rec storage
move.l a0,-(sp)
tst.b wneavail9+3-origin(a3) ; is waitnextevent here?
beq.s usegne0
move.l 18(a0),-(sp) ; get sleep value
move.l 22(a0),-(sp) ; get mouse rgn
bra.s endevt0
usegne0 _SystemTask ; WNE not in ROM
endevt0 tst.w (SP)+ ; should we handle this event?
beq ev1 ; no - get another one
lea eventRec(PC),a0
clr.l d0
move.w (a0),d0 ; pick up event type
beq.s ev1 ; loop if null event
pushd0 ; push event type for caller
jmp donext(PC)
dcode ?EVENT,x,getevt,qevt
move.l (SP)+,d7 ; get event mask into d0
swap d7
move.l d7,-(SP) ; make room for function return
pea eventRec(PC) ; pointer to event rec storage
_EventAvail ; call Toolbox
tst.w (SP)+ ; should we handle this event?
beq event1 ; no - return false
lea eventRec(PC),a0
clr.l d0
move.w (a0),d0 ; pick up event type
beq event1 ; loop if null event
event2 move.l #1,-(SP) ; push true - event available
bra.s event3
event1 clr.l -(SP) ; push false - no event available
event3 jmp donext(PC)
dcode GETEVENT,x,qevt,gevt ; ( --- b )
clr.w -(sp) ; make room for function return
lea eventRec(PC),a0
move.w eventMsk-eventRec(a0),-(sp) ; get event mask
move.l a0,-(sp)
tst.b wneavail9+3-origin(a3) ; is waitnextevent here?
beq.s usegne
move.l 18(a0),-(sp) ; get sleep value
move.l 22(a0),-(sp) ; get mouse rgn
bra.s endevt
usegne _SystemTask ; WNE not in ROM
endevt clr.w -(SP) ; make an integer a long
jmp donext(PC)
dcode @EVENT-MSG,x,gevt,ftemsg
lea eventMsg(PC),a0
move.l (a0),-(SP) ; push contents of last event msg
jmp donext(PC)
; FIND-WINDOW ( point -- region, wptr )
dcode FIND-WINDOW,x,ftemsg,findw
clr.w -(SP)
pea ftwork1(PC)
clr.w -(SP)
lea ftwork1(PC),a0
move.l (a0),d0
sub.l a3,d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode INIT-TOOLS,x,findw,intool
move.l #$ffff,d0 ; every event rfl 10/89
pea EWRM(PC) ; warm start for Resume button
;in deep shit
clr.l -(SP) ; for windowPtr return
move.w #256,-(SP) ; window ID
pea wrecord(PC)
move.l #-1,-(SP) ; POINTER(-1) for front window
_GetNewWindow ; get window resource def
_setPort ; setPort(WindowPtr)
lea wrecord(PC),a0
move.w #9,txSize(a0) ; window text size = 9
move.w #4,txfont(a0) ; window text font
lea pRect(PC),a1
move.l portRect(a0),(a1)
move.l portRect+4(a0),4(a1)
clr.l -(SP)
lea aRegn(PC),a0
move.l (SP)+,(a0) ; fill in region handle
clr.w -(SP)
_TextMode ; source copy text mode
move.w #$a09f,d0 ; check for trap availability
move.l a0,d3 ; d3 = unimplemented trap addr
move.w #$a860,d0
cmp.l a0,d3 ; if <> waitnextevent is avail
sne d0
move.b d0,wneavail9+3-origin(a3)
move.l #$a198,d0 ; get hwpriv trap addr
cmp.l a0,d3 ; if <> hwpriv is avail
sne d0
move.b d0,hwpavail9+3-origin(a3)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode HOME,x,intool,home
dohome move.l #$f0008,d0
_MoveTo ; home
jmp donext(PC)
dcode CLS,x,home,cls
pea pRect(PC)
jmp dohome(PC)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode SCROLL,x,cls,scroll ; (dh dv --- )
pea pRect(PC)
move.w d1,-(SP)
move.w d0,-(SP)
lea aregn(PC),a0 ; get dummy region handle
move.l (a0),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode >ORIGIN,x,scroll,setorg
addq.l #2,SP
move.w d0,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode LINE,x,setorg,xline ; (dh dv ---)
addq.l #2,SP
move.w d0,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode LINETO,x,xline,xline2 ; (x y --)
addq.l #2,SP
move.w d0,-(sp)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode LIT,x,xline2,lit ; build code header
move.l (a4)+,-(SP) ; push value at IP to stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode WLIT,x,lit,wlit ; build code header
move.w (a4)+,-(SP) ; push value at IP to stack
clr.w -(SP) ; extend to 32 bits
jmp donext(PC)
dcode WLITW,x,wlit,wlitw ; build code header
move.w (a4)+,-(sp) ; push value at IP to stack
jmp donext(PC) ; no extend
dcode W@(IP),x,wlitw,wfetip
move.l (a6),d0 ; get IP from 1 nest back
move.w 0(a3,d0.l),-(SP) ; push the word
clr.w -(SP)
add.l #2,(a6) ; increment old IP past word
jmp donext(PC)
dcode EXECUTE,x,wfetip,exec
move.l (SP)+,d6 ; pop address to execute
move.l 0(a3,d6.l),d7 ; get contents of CFA
jmp 0(a3,d7.l) ; execute the code
dcode TRAP,x,exec,trap_ ; execute passed-in Tool trap
popD0 ; get trap in d0
lea trapword(PC),a0
move.w d0,(a0) ; store trap inline for execution
nop ; so we don't get burned by prefetch
trapword DC.W $A997 ; start with openresfile
jmp donext(PC)
dcode GOTOXY,x,trap_,gotoxy
popd0 ; get Y in d0
addq.l #2,SP ; drop high-level word on stack
move.w d0,-(SP)
_MoveTo ; call Quickdraw to move pen
jmp donext(PC)
dcode BEEP,x,gotoxy,beep ; ( dur -- )
addq.l #2,sp
jmp donext(PC)
dcode @XY,x,beep,fetxy ; return X,Y pen location
pea ftwork(PC)
lea ftwork(PC),a0
clr.l d0
move.w 2(a0),d0
pushd0 ; push X value
move.w (a0),d0
pushd0 ; push Y value
jmp donext(PC)
dcode BRANCH,x,fetxy,bran
adda.l (a4),a4 ; add relative offset to IP
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 0BRANCH,x,bran,bran0
move.l (SP)+,d0 ; pop data stack into d0
bne br1 ; if non-0, ignore branch following
adda.l (a4),a4 ; else take the branch
bra.s br2
br1 addq.l #4,a4 ; next 32-bit cfa
br2 jmp donext(PC)
dcode OFBR,x,bran0,ofbr ; 0branch used by OF clauses
move.l (SP)+,d0 ; pop data stack into d0
bne ofbr1 ; if non-0, ignore branch
move.l (a6),d1 ; get IP from return stack
move.l 0(a3,d1.l),d2
add.l d2,(a6) ; add to stacked IP
bra.s ofbr2
ofbr1 addq.l #4,(a6) ; next 32-bit cfa 1 nest back
addq.l #4,SP ; drop the value
ofbr2 jmp donext(PC)
dcode FAKE,x,ofbr,fake_ ; use as a breakpoint with debugg
jmp *(PC)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (LOOP),x,fake_,loop_ ; (loop)
addq.l #1,(a6) ; bump index (long)
move.l (a6),d0
cmp.l 4(a6),d0 ; compare index to limit
bge xloop1
adda.l (a4),a4 ; branch back to top of loop
jmp donext(PC)
xloop1 addq.l #8,a6 ; pop index,limit from return stack
addq.l #4,a4
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (DO),x,loop_,do_ ; this DO terminates on limit=count
move.l (SP),d0
cmp.l 4(SP),d0 ; does limit=count? if so, terminate
bne doloop
adda.l (a4),a4 ; forward jump IP
addq.l #8,SP
jmp donext(PC)
doloop move.l 4(SP),-(a6) ; limit val to Return stack
move.l d0,-(a6) ; start val
addq.l #4,a4 ; skip the jump addr
addq.l #8,SP
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (LOOP+),x,do_,ploop_
move.l (SP)+,d0
bmi xploop1
add.l d0,(a6)
move.l (a6),d0
cmp.l 4(a6),d0
bge xploop2
adda.l (a4),a4
bra.s xploop3
xploop1 add.l D0,(a6)
move.l (a6),d0
cmp.l 4(a6),d0
ble xploop2
adda.l (a4),a4
bra.s xploop3
xploop2 addq.l #8,a6
addq.l #4,a4
xploop3 jmp donext(PC)
dcode I,x,ploop_,i
move.l (a6),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode I+,x,i,iplus ; add I to top of stack
move.l (a6),d0
add.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode I-,x,iplus,iminus
move.l (a6),d0
sub.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode I@,x,iminus,ifetch ; fetch from I as addr
move.l (A6),d7
move.l 0(a3,d7.l),-(sp)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode I!,x,ifetch,istore
move.l (A6),d7
move.l (SP)+,0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode IC@,x,istore,icfet
clr.l d0
move.l (a6),d7
move.b 0(a3,d7.l),d0
move.l d0,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode IC!,x,icfet,icstor
move.l (A6),d7
move.l (sp)+,d0
move.b d0,0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode J,x,icstor,j
move.l 8(a6),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode DIGIT,x,j,digit
clr.l d2
subi.l #$30,d1
bmi dig2
cmpi.l #$0a,d1
bmi dig1
subq.l #7,d1
cmpi.l #$0a,d1 ; to fix FIG bug that lets 58-64 pass
bmi dig2
dig1 cmp.l d0,d1
bge dig2
moveq #1,d2
dig2 pushd2
jmp donext(PC)
dcode TRAVERSE,x,digit,traver
moveq #$20,d2
lea 0(a3,d1.l),a0
tst.l d0
bmi trav1
move.b (a0),d0
andi.l #$1f,d0
adda.l d0,a0
move.l a0,d0
andi.l #1,d0
suba.l d0,a0
addq.l #1,a0
bra.s trav2
trav1 tst.b (a0)
bmi trav2
subq.l #1,d2 ; exit early if drags on
beq trav2
subq.l #1,a0
bra.s trav1
trav2 suba.l a3,a0
move.l a0,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (FIND),x,traver,find_
clr.l d1
move.l (SP)+,d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a0
pfind1 movea.l a0,a2
move.l (SP),d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a1
move.b (a2)+,d1
andi.l #$03f,d1
cmp.b (a1)+,d1
bne pfind3
move.l d1,d0
pfind2 cmpm.b (a1)+,(a2)+
bne pfind3
subq.l #1,d0
bne.s pfind2
bsr odd
addq.l #8,a2
suba.l a3,a2
move.l a2,(SP)
move.b (a0),d0
moveq #1,d0
bra.s pfind4
pfind3 movea.l a0,a2
andi.w #$1f,d1
adda.l d1,a2
addq.l #1,a2
bsr odd
move.l (a2),d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a0
tst.l (a2)
bne.s pfind1
addq.l #4,SP
clr.l d0
pfind4 pushD0
jmp donext(PC)
odd move.l a2,d0
moveq #1,d1
and.l d1,d0
adda.l d0,a2
; ( SelPfa ^class -- f OR 1cfa t)
dcode ((FINDM)),x,find_,findm_
move.l (SP)+,d7 ; get relative ^class
move.l (SP)+,d0 ; get SelPfa to match
move.l 0(a3,d7.l),d7 ; get contents of ^methods link field
findm0 lea 0(a3,d7.l),a1 ; get absolute ^methods dict nfa
findm1 cmp.w (a1),d0 ; is this the method we want?
beq foundm ; yes, we found the method
move.l 2(a1),d7 ; link to previous method entry
beq notfndm ; end of methods dict - not found
bra.s findm0
foundm addi.l #10,d7 ; point to 1cfa of method
move.l d7,-(SP) ; push 1cfa to stack
move.l #1,-(SP) ; true
bra.s fmexit ; return to Forth
notFndm clr.l -(SP)
fmexit jmp donext(PC)
* ( addr delim -- addr n1 n2 n3 )
dcode ENCLOSE,x,findm_,enclos
popd0 ; get delim in d0
move.l (SP),d7 ; addr in d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a0 ; a0 has abs addr
clr.l d1
encGet move.b (a0)+,d2 ; get next byte in d2
beq encNull ; null - unconditional exit
cmpi.b #9,d2 ; is char a Tab?
bne notab1
move.b #32,d2 ; map tabs to spaces
notab1 cmp.b d0,d2 ; does first char = delim?
bne encNext ; no
addq.l #1,d1 ; get another char
bra.s encGet
encNull pushd1 ; found null- push idx at null
addq.l #1,d1 ; push idx of byte following
bra.s encl5 ; exit
encNext pushd1 ; idx of first non-delim
subq.l #1,a0
encl3 move.b (a0)+,d2
beq encl4
cmp.b #9,d2 ; is char a Tab?
bne notab2
move.b #32,d2 ; map tabs to spaces
notab2 cmp.b d0,d2
beq encl4
addq.l #1,d1
bra.s encl3
encl4 move.l d1,-(SP)
tst.b d2
beq encl5
addq.l #1,d1
encl5 pushd1 ; push unexamined idx and leave
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (S=),x,enclos,sequ_ ; ( addr addr len -- b)
popd0 ; get length of string comparison
subq.l #1,d0 ; setup counter for dbeq
movea.l (SP)+,a0
movea.l (SP)+,a1
adda.l a3,a0
adda.l a3,a1
dosequ cmpm.b (a0)+,(a1)+
dbne d0,dosequ
cmp.w #-1,d0
beq xsequ ; counter was exhausted, so true
clr.l -(SP) ; push false
bra.s nextsequ
xsequ move.l #1,-(SP) ; push true
nextsequ jmp donext(PC)
dcode CMOVE,x,sequ_,cmove
docmove move.l (SP)+,d0
movea.l (SP)+,a1
movea.l (SP)+,a0
adda.l a3,a0
adda.l a3,a1
cmov1 _BlockMove
jmp donext(PC)
; the somewhat dreaded multiply routines
mpy move.l (SP)+,-(a6) ; save return address from jsr
tst.w (SP) ; try short multiply first
bne mpy1
tst.w 4(SP) ; if both high words=0, we
bne mpy1 ; can do a short multiply
mulu d0,d1
clr.l d1
move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
mpy1 popd0 ; this is long multiply
moveq #0,d2
move.l d2,-(SP)
move.l d2,-(SP)
move.w d1,d2
mulu d0,d2
move.l d2,4(SP)
move.l d1,d2
swap d2
mulu d0,d2
add.l d2,2(SP)
swap d0
move.w d1,d2
mulu d0,d2
add.l d2,2(SP)
bcc mpy2
addq.w #1,(SP)
mpy2 move.l d1,d2
swap d2
mulu d0,d2
add.l d2,(SP)
move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
smpy move.l (SP)+,-(a6)
tst.l (SP) ; signed multiply
smi d4
bpl smpy1
neg.l (SP)
smpy1 tst.l 4(SP)
smi d3
bpl smpy2
neg.l 4(SP)
smpy2 eor.b d3,d4
bsr.s mpy
tst.b d4
beq smpy3
neg.l 4(SP)
negx.l (SP)
smpy3 move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
xdiv move.l (SP)+,-(a6)
tst.l (SP)
beq div5
tst.w (SP)
bne longdiv
tst.l 4(SP)
bne longdiv
move.l (SP)+,d2
divu d2,d1
bvs long1
clr.l d2
move.w d1,d2
clr.w d1
swap d1
move.l d2,-(SP)
move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
longdiv move.l (SP)+,d2 ; the dreaded long division
long1 moveq #32,d3
sub.l d2,d0
div1 bmi div2
ori.l #1,d1
subq.w #1,d3
bmi div3
asl.l #1,d1
roxl.l #1,d0
sub.l d2,d0
bra.s div1
div2 subq.w #1,d3
bmi div3
asl.l #1,d1
roxl.l #1,d0
add.l d2,d0
bra.s div1
div3 tst.l d0
bpl div4
add.l d2,d0
div4 pushd0
move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
div5 addq.l #4,SP
move.l d2,4(SP)
move.l #$7fffffff,(SP)
move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
sdiv move.l (SP)+,-(a6) ; save return address from jsr
tst.l (SP) ; signed divide
smi d4
bpl sdiv1
neg.l (SP)
sdiv1 tst.l 4(SP)
smi d7
bpl sdiv2
neg.l 8(SP)
negx.l 4(SP)
sdiv2 eor.b d4,d7
bsr xdiv
tst.b d7
beq sdiv3
neg.l (SP)
sdiv3 tst.b d4
beq sdiv4
neg.l 4(SP)
sdiv4 move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
slmod move.l (SP)+,-(a6)
moveq #0,d1
tst.l (SP)
bpl slmod1
subq.l #1,d1
slmod1 pushd1
move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
bra.s sdiv
dcode U*,x,cmove,ustar
bsr mpy
jmp donext(PC)
dcode U/,x,ustar,uslash
bsr xdiv
jmp donext(PC)
dcode M*,x,uslash,mstar
bsr smpy
jmp donext(PC)
dcode M/,x,mstar,mslash
bsr sdiv
jmp donext(PC)
dcode */,x,mslash,starsla
move.l (SP)+,-(a6)
bsr smpy
move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
bsr sdiv
move.l (SP)+,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode */MOD,x,starsla,ssmod
move.l (SP)+,-(a6)
bsr smpy
move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
bsr sdiv
jmp donext(PC)
dcode M/MOD,x,ssmod,msmod
move.l (SP)+,-(a6)
moveq #0,d0
move.l (a6),-(SP)
bsr xdiv
move.l (a6)+,d0
move.l (SP)+,-(a6)
bsr xdiv
move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode *,x,msmod,star ; *
bsr smpy
addq.l #4,SP ; drop top of stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode /,x,star,slash ; /
bsr slmod
move.l (SP)+,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode /MOD,x,slash,xslmod ; /MOD
bsr slmod
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MOD,x,xslmod,mod ; MOD
bsr slmod
addq.l #4,SP
jmp donext(PC)
dcode D>,x,mod,dgrt ; D>
moveq #1,d0
move.l 8(SP),d1
cmp.l (SP),d1
bgt dgrt1
move.l 12(SP),d1
cmp.l 4(SP),d1
bgt dgrt1
moveq #0,d0
dgrt1 adda.l #16,SP
jmp donext(PC)
dcode D<,x,dgrt,dless ; D<
moveq #1,d0
move.l 8(SP),d1
cmp.l (SP),d1
blt dless1
move.l 12(SP),d1
cmp.l 4(SP),d1
blt dless1
moveq #0,d0
dless1 adda.l #16,SP
jmp donext(PC)
dcode D=,x,dless,dequ ; D=
move.l (SP),d1
cmp.l 8(SP),d1
seq d0
move.l 4(SP),d1
cmp.l 12(SP),d1
seq d1
adda.l #16,SP
and.l d1,d0
bra setbyt
jmp donext(PC)
dcode U<,x,dequ,uless
scs d0
bra.s setbyt
dcode U>,x,uless,ugrt
scc d0
bra.s setbyt
dcode <,x,ugrt,less ; <
slt d0
bra.s setbyt
dcode >,x,less,grt ; >
sgt d0
bra.s setbyt
dcode =,x,grt,equals ; =
seq d0
bra.s setbyt
dcode <>,x,equals,nequals
sne d0
bra.s setbyt
dcode 0=,x,nequals,zequ
tst.l (SP)+
seq d0
bra.s setbyt
dcode 0<,x,zequ,zless
tst.l (SP)+
smi d0
setbyt moveq #1,d1
and.l d1,d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 0>,x,zless,zgrt
tst.l (SP)+
sgt d0
bra.s setbyt
dcode <=,x,zgrt,lesequ
sle d0
bra.s setbyt
dcode >=,x,lesequ,grtequ
sge d0
bra.s setbyt
dcode 0!,x,grtequ,zstore ; store 0 at addr
move.l (sp)+,d7
clr.l 0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 0,x,zstore,pzer ; short, fast 0 word
clr.l -(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 1,x,pzer,pone ; short, fast 1 word
move.l #1,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode -1,x,pone,pmone ; short, fast -1 word
move.l #-1,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 2,x,pmone,ptwo ; short, fast 2 word
move.l #2,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 4,x,ptwo,pfour
move.l #4,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode AND,x,pfour,and_
and.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode LAND,x,and_,land_
tst.l (SP)
beq land2
move.l #1,(SP)
tst.l d0
beq land1
moveq #1,d0
land1 and.l d0,(SP)
land2 jmp donext(PC)
dcode OR,x,land_,or_
or.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode LOR,x,or_,lor_
tst.l d0
beq lor1
moveq #1,d0
lor1 tst.l (SP)
beq lor2
move.l #1,(SP)
lor2 or.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode XOR,x,lor_,xor
eor.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode LXOR,x,xor,lxor
tst.l d0
beq lxor1
moveq #1,d0
lxor1 tst.l (SP)
beq lxor2
move.l #1,(SP)
lxor2 eor.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode HERE,x,lxor,here
move.l #(dp9-origin),d7
move.l 0(a3,d7.l),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode ALLOT,x,here,allot
move.l #(dp9-origin),d7
add.l d0,0(a3,d7.l) ; increment DP
jmp donext(PC)
dcode SP@,x,allot,spfet
move.l SP,d0
sub.l a3,d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode SP!,x,spfet,spstor
move.l #(s09-origin),d7
move.l 0(a3,d7.l),d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),SP ; add a3 to it and store in SP
jmp donext(PC)
dcode RP@,x,spstor,rpfet
move.l a6,d0
sub.l a3,d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode RP!,x,rpfet,rpstor
move.l #(r09-origin),d7
move.l 0(a3,d7.l),d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a6 ; add a3 to it and store in RP
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MP!,x,rpstor,mpstor
move.l initmp(PC),d5
add.l a3,d5 ; get initmp and add a3 to it
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MP@,x,mpstor,mpfet
move.l d5,d0
sub.l a3,d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode THEPORT,x,mpfet,port_
move.l (a5),a0 ; Point to QD globals
move.l (a0),d0 ; point to current grafport
sub.l a3,d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (LCWORD),x,port_,lcword ; doesn't map to upper ca
popd0 ; d0=len to next word
lea in9(PC),a0
add.l d0,(a0) ; bump IN
popd0 ; d0=offs to end of parsed word
popd1 ; d1=offs to beg of parsed word
sub.w d1,d0 ; d0=len this word
lea dp9(PC),a0
movea.l (a0),a0 ; a0=relative DP
adda.l a3,a0 ; a0=abs DP = HERE
move.b d0,(a0) ; store len
move.b #32,1(a0,d0.l) ; blank at end of word
movea.l (SP)+,a1 ; addr of string
adda.l a3,a1
adda.l d1,a1 ; a1=source address to move from
wMov move.b -1(a1,d0.w),0(a0,d0.w) ; copy the string
subq.l #1,d0
bne.s wMov
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (WORD),x,lcword,word_ ; fast code for WORD
popd0 ; d0=len to next word
lea in9(PC),a0
add.l d0,(a0) ; bump IN
popd0 ; d0=offs to end of parsed word
popd1 ; d1=offs to beg of parsed word
sub.w d1,d0 ; d0=len this word
lea dp9(PC),a0
movea.l (a0),a0 ; a0=relative DP
adda.l a3,a0 ; a0=abs DP = HERE
move.b d0,(a0) ; store len
move.b #32,1(a0,d0.l) ; blank at end of word
movea.l (SP)+,a1 ; addr of string
adda.l a3,a1
adda.l d1,a1 ; a1=source address to move from
wordMov move.b -1(a1,d0.w),0(a0,d0.w) ; copy the string
cmpi.b #96,0(a0,d0.w)
ble wordmov1 ; map to upper case
cmpi.b #123,0(a0,d0.w)
bge wordMov1
subi.b #32,0(a0,d0.w)
wordmov1 subq.l #1,d0
bne.s wordMov
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (DODO),x,word_,dodo ; code for mcfa words
dodo1 move.w -2(a3,d7.l),d0 ; pickup len to child's pfa
add.l d0,d6 ; advance wp
move.l d6,-(sp) ; push pfa for do> code
suba.l a3,a4
move.l a4,-(a6) ; save old IP on RP
lea 10(a3,d7.l),a4 ; point IP to threaded code
jmp donext(PC)
; this code gets compiled before each piece of DO.. code (10 bytes long)
dcode DOJMP,x,dodo,dojmp
move.l #(dodo1-origin),d0
jmp 0(a3,d0.l)
; this code gets compiled into the front of each class definition
; and is pointed to by the cfa of all objects
dcode DOOBJ,x,dojmp,doobj
obcode addq.l #4,d6 ; d6->pfa of object
dirObj move.l d6,-(SP) ; push obj addr
jmp donext(PC)
; this is the code pointed to by the cfa of all classes
dcode DOCLASS,x,doobj,dclass
addq.l #4,d6
move.l d6,-(SP) ; push ^class on stack
move.l #(bldvec-origin),d6 ; d6 has cfa of BLDVEC
move.l 0(a3,d6.l),d7 ; d7 has code addr of BLDVEC
jmp 0(a3,d7.l) ; do it
; runtime code for a message to a public object
dcode M0CFA,x,dclass,zcfa
movea.l d5,a2
clr.l d0
clr.l d4
move.l (SP)+,d3 ; get obj addr in d3
move.b 8(a3,d6.l),d0 ; pickup #args for named stack
beq noArgs
addq.l #2,d6 ; skip extra word for #args in method
move.l d0,d1 ; save #args
lsr.b #4,d0 ; get #temps nybble
beq noLocs ; no local vars
move.l d0,d4 ; accum total #cells in d4
lsl.b #2,d0 ; compute #bytes = cells*4
suba.l d0,a2 ; allocate temp space
noLocs andi.b #$0f,d1 ; low nybble has #input parms
beq noIns ; no input parms
add.l d1,d4
someArgs move.l (SP)+,-(a2) ; pop data stack to methods stack
subq.w #1,d1
bne.s someArgs ; transfer all args from data stack
noIns move.l d4,d0
noArgs move.l d0,-(a2) ; push #args to methods stack
move.l d3,-(a2) ; d3 has base address of local data
move.l a2,d5
suba.l a3,a4 ; Perform colcode
move.l a4,-(a6)
addq.l #8,d6
lea 0(a3,d6.l),a4
jmp donext(PC)
; runtime code for a message to a private ivar
dcode M1CFA,x,zcfa,onecfa
move.l d5,a2
clr.l d0
clr.l d4
move.w (a4)+,d0 ; get offset to ivar
bge notSelf ; if negative, this is a Self reference
clr.l d0 ; if self, preserve base addr
notSelf move.l (a2),d2 ; get base address
add.l d0,d2 ; add offset to base address
clr.w d0
move.b 4(a3,d6.l),d0 ; pickup #args for named stack
beq noArgs1
addq.l #2,d6 ; skip extra word for #args in method
move.l d0,d1 ; save #args
lsr.b #4,d0 ; get #temps nybble
beq nolocs1
move.l D0,D4 ; total #cells
lsl.b #2,d0 ; compute #bytes = cells*4
suba.l d0,a2 ; allocate temp space
noLocs1 andi.b #$0f,d1 ; low nybble has #input parms
beq noins1
add.l d1,d4 ; save #input parms
args1 move.l (SP)+,-(a2) ; pop data stack to methods stack
subq.w #1,d1
bne.s args1 ; transfer all args from data stack
noins1 move.l d4,d0
noArgs1 move.l d0,-(a2) ; push #args to methods stack
move.l d2,-(a2) ; push offset+base to mstack
mNest move.l a2,d5
suba.l a3,a4 ; do colcode nest
move.l a4,-(a6)
addq.l #4,d6
lea 0(a3,d6.l),a4
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (;M),x,onecfa,semim_ ; this is the ;m definition
addq.l #8,d5 ; pop two entries from mstack
movea.l d5,a2
move.l -4(a2),d0 ; look at #args
beq noPop
lsl.w #2,d0 ; setup to add #args*4
adda.l d0,a2 ; pop #args
move.l a2,d5
noPop move.l (a6)+,d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a4
jmp donext(PC)
dcode ;S,x,semim_,semis ; this is the ;S definition
move.l (a6)+,d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a4
jmp donext(PC)
dcode COLP,x,semis,pcolon ; named stack colon code
pcolcode move.l d5,a2
clr.l d0
clr.l d4
move.b 4(a3,d6.l),d0 ; pickup #args for named stack
beq noArgs3
addq.l #2,d6 ; skip extra word for #args in method
move.l d0,d1 ; save #args
lsr.b #4,d0 ; get #temps nybble
beq noLocs3 ; no local vars
move.l d0,d4 ; accum total #cells in d4
lsl.b #2,d0 ; compute #bytes = cells*4
sub.l d0,a2 ; allocate temp space
NoLocs3 andi.b #$0f,D1 ; low nybble has #input parms
beq noIns3 ; no input parms
add.l d1,d4
Args3 move.l (SP)+,-(a2) ; pop data stack to methods stack
subq.w #1,d1
bne.s Args3 ; transfer all args from data stack
noIns3 move.l d4,d0
noArgs3 move.l d0,-(a2) ; push #args to methods stack
clr.l -(a2) ; waste the objaddr cell
move.l a2,d5 ;
suba.l a3,a4 ; Perform colcode
move.l a4,-(a6)
addq.l #4,d6
lea 0(a3,d6.l),a4
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (SEMIP),x,pcolon,semip ; named stack denester co
addq.l #8,d5 ; pop two entries from mstack
movea.l d5,a2
move.l -4(a2),d0 ; look at #args
beq noPops1
lsl.w #2,d0 ; setup to add #args*4
adda.l d0,a2 ; pop #args
move.l a2,d5
nopops1 move.l (a6)+,d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a4
jmp donext(PC)
dcode LEAVE,x,semip,leave
move.l (a6),4(a6)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode >R,x,leave,toR
move.l (SP)+,-(a6)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode R>,x,toR,rFrom
move.l (a6)+,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode R,x,rFrom,r
move.l (a6),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode PUSHM,x,r,mpush
exg d5,a2
move.l (SP)+,-(a2)
exg d5,a2
jmp donext(PC)
dcode POPM,x,mpush,mpop
exg d5,a2
move.l (a2)+,-(SP)
exg d5,a2
jmp donext(PC)
dcode COPYM,x,mpop,mcopy
move.l d5,a2
move.l (a2),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode EXGM,x,mcopy,mexg
exg d5,a2
move.l (SP),d0
move.l (a2),(SP)
move.l d0,(a2)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode DUPM,x,mexg,mdup
dupm exg d5,a2
move.l (a2),-(a2)
exg d5,a2
jmp donext(PC)
dcode ADDM,x,mdup,madd
addmd0 exg d5,a2 ; copied this from nucleus--suspect!
add.l d0,(a2)
exg d5,a2
jmp donext(PC)
dcode DROPM,x,madd,mdrop
exg d5,a2 ; *** popmd0
move.l (a2)+,d0
exg d5,a2
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MP0,x,mdrop,mp0 ; mstack picks for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l 8(a2),-(SP) ; push parm to data stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MP1,x,mp0,mp1 ; mstack picks for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l 12(a2),-(SP) ; push parm to data stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MP2,x,mp1,mp2 ; mstack picks for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l 16(a2),-(SP) ; push parm to data stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MP3,x,mp2,mp3 ; mstack picks for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l 20(a2),-(SP) ; push parm to data stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MP4,x,mp3,mp4 ; mstack picks for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l 24(a2),-(SP) ; push parm to data stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MP5,x,mp4,mp5 ; mstack picks for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l 28(a2),-(SP) ; push parm to data stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MS0,x,mp5,ms0 ; mstack stores for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l (SP)+,8(a2) ; replace parm val with top of stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MS1,x,ms0,ms1 ; mstack stores for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l (SP)+,12(a2) ; replace parm val with top of stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MS2,x,ms1,ms2 ; mstack stores for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l (SP)+,16(a2) ; replace parm val with top of stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MS3,x,ms2,ms3 ; mstack stores for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l (SP)+,20(a2) ; replace parm val with top of stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MS4,x,ms3,ms4 ; mstack stores for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l (SP)+,24(a2) ; replace parm val with top of stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MS5,x,ms4,ms5 ; mstack stores for named parms
move.l d5,a2
move.l (SP)+,28(a2) ; replace parm val with top of stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (++>),x,ms5,minc ; increment named parm
move.l d5,a2
move.w (a4)+,d0 ; get element offset
move.l (sp)+,d1 ; get increment value
add.l d1,0(a2,d0.w) ; increment the cell
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (EX>),x,minc,mdo ; execute a procedural arg
move.l d5,a2
move.w (a4)+,d0 ; get offset to named parm
move.l 0(a2,d0.w),d6 ; get the cfa
move.l 0(a3,d6.l),d7 ; get the code
jmp 0(a3,d7.l)
dcode +,x,mdo,plus
add.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode -,x,plus,subt
sub.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MAX,x,subt,max
cmp.l (SP),d0
blt maxq
move.l d0,(SP)
maxq jmp donext(PC)
dcode MIN,x,max,min
cmp.l (SP),d0
bgt minq
move.l d0,(SP)
minq jmp donext(PC)
dcode NEGATE,x,min,minus
mins1 neg.l (SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode DNEGATE,x,minus,dminus
dmins1 neg.l 4(SP)
negx.l (SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode CFA,x,dminus,cfa
subq.l #4,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode +-,x,cfa,plmin
tst.l (SP)+
bmi.s mins1
jmp donext(PC)
dcode ABS,x,plmin,abs
tst.l (SP)
bmi.s mins1
jmp donext(PC)
dcode DABS,x,abs,dabs
tst.l (SP)
bmi.s dmins1
jmp donext(PC)
dcode S->D,x,dabs,sToD
moveq #0,d0
tst.l (SP)
subq.l #1,d0
GOHERE pushd0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode OVER,x,sToD,over
move.l 4(SP),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 2OVER,x,over,over2
move.l 12(SP),-(SP)
move.l 12(SP),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode DROP,x,over2,drop
addq.l #4,SP
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 2DROP,x,drop,drop2
addq.l #8,SP
jmp donext(PC)
dcode SWAP,x,drop2,swap_
move.l (SP),d1
move.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 2SWAP,x,swap_,swap2
move.l (SP)+,d3
move.l (SP),d4
move.l d1,(SP)
move.l d0,-(SP)
move.l d4,-(SP)
move.l d3,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode DUP,x,swap2,dup
move.l (SP),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 2DUP,x,dup,dup2
move.l 4(SP),-(SP)
move.l 4(SP),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode -DUP,x,dup2,mindup
tst.l (SP)
beq ddup
move.l (SP),-(SP)
ddup jmp donext(PC)
dcode +!,x,mindup,plstor
move.l (SP)+,d7
add.l d0,0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode TOGGLE,x,plstor,toggle
move.l (SP)+,d7
eor.b d0,0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode W@,x,toggle,wfetch ; this is a 16-bit fetch
clr.l d0
move.l (SP),d7
move.w 0(a3,d7.l),d0
move.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode @,x,wfetch,fetch ; this is a 32-bit fetch
move.l (SP),d7
move.l 0(a3,d7.l),(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode C@,x,fetch,cfetch
clr.l d0
move.l (SP),d7
move.b 0(a3,d7.l),d0
move.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MW@,x,cfetch,mwfetch ; 16-bit fetch from mstack addr
move.l d5,a2
clr.l d0
move.l (a2),d7
move.w 0(a3,d7.l),d0
ext.l d0 ; sign-extend
move.l d0,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode M@,x,mwfetch,mfetch ; this is a 32-bit fetch
move.l d5,a2
move.l (a2),d7
move.l 0(a3,d7.l),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 2@,x,mfetch,fetch2 ; ( double word fetch )
move.l (SP),d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a0
move.l (a0)+,-(sp)
move.l (a0),4(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode W!,x,fetch2,wstore ; 16-bit store
move.l (SP)+,d7 ; address is relative to a3
popD0 ; d0 has value
move.w d0,0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode W+!,x,wstore,wpstore ; 16-bit plus store
move.l (SP)+,d7
add.w d0,0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode !,x,wpstore,store ; 32-bit store
move.l (SP)+,d7 ; address is relative to a3
popD0 ; d0 has value
move.l d0,0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode C!,x,store,cstore
move.l (SP)+,d7
move.b d0,0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode C+!,x,cstore,cpstore ; 8 bit plus store
move.l (SP)+,d7
add.b d0,0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode MW!,x,cpstore,mwstore ; 16-bit store to addr on mstack
move.l d5,a2
move.l (a2),d7 ; address is relative to a3
popD0 ; d0 has value
move.w d0,0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode M!,x,mwstore,mstore ; 32-bit store to addr on mstack
move.l d5,a2
move.l (a2),d7 ; address is relative to a3
popD0 ; d0 has value
move.l d0,0(a3,d7.l)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 2!,x,mstore,store2 ; ( double word store )
move.l (SP)+,d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a0
move.l (SP)+,(a0)+
move.l (SP)+,(a0)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode D+,x,store2,dplus ; 64-bit add
move.l (SP)+,d2
move.l (sp)+,d3
add.l d1,d3
addx.l d0,d2
move.l d3,-(SP)
move.l d2,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 1+,x,dplus,plus1
addq.l #1,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 2+,x,plus1,plus2
addq.l #2,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 3+,x,plus2,plus3
addq.l #3,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 4+,x,plus3,plus4
addq.l #4,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 8+,x,plus4,plus8
addq.l #8,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 1-,x,plus8,min1
subq.l #1,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 2-,x,min1,min2
subq.l #2,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 4-,x,min2,min4
subq.l #4,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 8-,x,min4,min8
subq.l #8,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 2*,x,min8,times2
move.l (SP),d0
asl.l #1,d0
move.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 4*,x,times2,times4
move.l (SP),d0
asl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode 2/,x,times4,xdiv2
move.l (SP),d0
asr.l #1,d0
move.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
; ^elem expects base addr on mstack, and an index on pstack
dcode (^ELEM),x,xdiv2,pelem ; return address of array eleme
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
move.w 0(a3,d7.l),d1 ; fetch width word from header
mulu 2(SP),d1 ; multiply index * width
add.l d1,d7 ; add to base address
addq.l #4,d7 ; skip the header
move.l d7,(SP) ; leave on data stack
jmp donext(PC)
dcode IDXBASE,x,pelem,idxbas ; idx addr of indexed object
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
addq.l #4,d7 ; skip the idx hdr
move.l d7,-(SP) ; leave the ^ixdata
jmp donext(PC)
dcode LIMIT,x,idxbas,limit ; limit of indexed object
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
move.w 2(a3,d7.l),-(SP) ; leave the limit
clr.w -(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode RANGE?,x,limit,qrange ; index out of range?
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
clr.l d0
move.w 2(a3,d7.l),d0 ; get the limit
cmp.l (SP),d0 ; is limit > index?
sle d1 ; true if out of range
neg.b d1 ; forth boolean
move.l d1,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode AT1,x,qrange,at1 ; at opt for byte elements
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
add.l (SP)+,d7 ; add the index
clr.l d0
move.b 4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; fetch addr+4 (for idx hdr)
move.l d0,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode AT2,x,at1,at2 ; at opt for byte elements
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
move.l (SP),d0 ; get the index
lsl.w #1,d0 ; index * 2
add.l d0,d7 ; add the index
move.w 4(a3,d7.l),d1 ; fetch addr+4 (for idx hdr)
ext.l d1 ; sign extend
move.l d1,(sp)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode AT4,x,at2,at4 ; at opt for long elements
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
move.l (SP)+,d0 ; get the index
lsl.w #2,d0 ; index * 4
add.l d0,d7 ; add the index
move.l 4(a3,d7.l),-(SP) ; fetch addr+4 (for idx hdr)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode TO1,x,at4,to1 ; To opt for byte elements
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
add.l (SP)+,d7 ; add the index
move.l (SP)+,d0
move.b d0,4(a3,d7.l) ; store to addr+4 (for idx hdr)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode TO2,x,to1,to2 ; To opt for byte elements
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
move.l (SP)+,d0 ; get the index
lsl.w #1,d0 ; index * 2
add.l d0,d7 ; add the index
move.l (sp)+,d1
move.w d1,4(a3,d7.l) ; store to addr+4 (for idx hdr)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode TO4,x,to2,to4 ; to opt for long elements
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
move.l (SP)+,d0 ; get the index
lsl.w #2,d0 ; index * 4
add.l d0,d7 ; add the index
move.l (SP)+,4(a3,d7.l) ; store to addr+4 (for idx hdr)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode ++4,x,to4,inc4 ; inc opt for long elements
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
move.l (SP)+,d0 ; get the index
lsl.w #2,d0 ; index * 4
add.l d0,d7 ; add the index
move.l (SP)+,d1 ; get increment
add.l d1,4(a3,d7.l) ; inc addr+4 (for idx hdr)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode ++2,x,inc4,inc2 ; inc opt for word elements
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
move.l (SP)+,d0 ; get the index
lsl.w #1,d0 ; index * 4
add.l d0,d7 ; add the index
move.l (SP)+,d1 ; get increment
add.w d1,4(a3,d7.l) ; inc addr+4 (for idx hdr)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode ++1,x,inc2,inc1 ; inc opt for byte elements
move.l d5,a2 ; pickup base address on mstack
move.l (a2),d7 ; base of object in d7
move.l -4(a3,d7.l),d0 ; d0 has ^class of object
clr.l d1
move.w 18(a3,d0.l),d1 ; d1 has dlen of object
add.l d1,d7 ; d7 points to idx hdr
move.l (SP)+,d0 ; get the index
add.l d0,d7 ; add the index
move.l (SP)+,d1 ; get increment
add.b d1,4(a3,d7.l) ; inc addr+4 (for idx hdr)
jmp donext(PC)
; fast left lshift ( val #shift -- val )
dcode <<,x,inc1,shfl
lsl.l d0,d1
move.l d1,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
; fast right lshift ( val #shift -- val )
dcode >>,x,shfl,shfr
lsr.l d0,d1
move.l d1,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (ABS),x,shfr,abs_ ; leave absolute of mstack addr
move.l d5,a2
move.l (a2),d0
add.l a3,d0
move.l d0,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode COUNT,x,abs_,count
move.l (SP),d0
add.l #1,(SP)
clr.l d1
move.b 0(A3,d0.l),d1
move.l d1,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode DEPTH,x,count,depth
move.l SP,d0
sub.l a3,d0
move.l #(s09-origin),d7
sub.l 0(a3,d7.l),d0
neg.l d0
asr.l #2,d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode FILL,x,depth,fil
fill1 popD1
move.l (SP)+,d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a0
fil1 subq.l #1,d1
bmi fil2
move.b d0,(a0)+
bra.s fil1
fil2 jmp donext(PC)
dcode ERASE,x,fil,era
clr.l d0
bra.s fill1
dcode BLANKS,x,era,blanks
moveq #$20,d0
bra.s fill1
dcode +BASE,x,blanks,basadr
move.l (SP)+,d7
pea 0(a3,d7.l) ; push absolute address = base+pa
jmp donext(PC)
dcode -BASE,x,basadr,minbas
move.l a3,d0
sub.l d0,(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode ROT,x,minbas,rot
move.l (SP),d2
move.l d1,(SP)
move.l d2,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode PICK,x,rot,pick
move.l (SP),d0
asl.l #2,d0 ; index * 4
move.L 0(SP,d0.w),(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode RESET,x,pick,rset ; reboot the machine
dcode (FDOS),x,rset,fdos ; general file system trap call
lea fdtrap(PC),a0 ; stack : (pblock trap --- result)
clr.l d0
move.w (SP)+,d0 ; function selector
move.w (SP)+,(a0) ; move in trap#
movea.l (SP)+,a0 ; file control block
adda.l a3,a0 ; make it absolute
fdtrap DC.W 0 ; call Toolbox
move.w ioResult(a0),d0 ; leave result on stack
ext.l d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (MAKE),x,fdos,make_
move.l (SP)+,a0 ; parm block offset in a0
add.l a3,a0 ; make it absolute
_Hcreate ; call Toolbox
move.w ioResult(a0),d0 ; leave result on stack
ext.l d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (OPEN),x,make_,open_
popd0 ; get access mode in d0
move.l (SP)+,a0 ; parm block offset in a0
add.l a3,a0 ; make it absolute
move.b d0,ioPermssn(a0) ; set i/o permission
_Hopen ; open the file
move.w ioResult(a0),d0 ; leave result on stack
ext.l d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (CLOSE),x,open_,close_
move.l (SP)+,a0 ; parm block offset in a0
add.l a3,a0 ; make it absolute
_close ; call Toolbox CLOSE
move.w ioResult(a0),d0 ; leave result on stack
ext.l d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (DELETE),x,close_,delet_
move.l (SP)+,a0 ; parm block offset in a0
add.l a3,a0 ; make it absolute
_delete ; call Toolbox DELETE
move.w ioResult(a0),d0 ; leave result on stack
ext.l d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (READ),x,delet_,read_
popD0 ; pop buffer address into d0
add.l a3,d0 ; make it absolute
popD1 ; get count in d1
move.l (SP)+,a0 ; parm block offset in a0
add.l a3,a0 ; make it absolute
move.l d0,iobuffer(a0) ; store buffer pointer in parm block
move.l d1,ioReqCount(a0) ; store count in parm block
_read ; call Toolbox read
move.w ioResult(a0),d0 ; leave result on stack
ext.l d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (WRITE),x,read_,write_
popD0 ; pop buffer address into d0
add.l a3,d0 ; make it absolute
popD1 ; get count in d1
move.l (SP)+,a0 ; parm block offset in a0
add.l a3,a0 ; make it absolute
move.l d0,iobuffer(a0) ; store buffer pointer in parm block
move.l d1,ioReqCount(a0) ; store count in parm block
_write ; call Toolbox read
move.w ioResult(a0),d0 ; leave result on stack
ext.l d0
jmp donext(PC)
dcode (LSEEK),x,write_,lseek
popD0 ; pickup position offset in D0
popD1 ; pickup positioning mode in D1
move.l (SP)+,a0 ; pop pba
add.l a3,a0
move.l d0,ioPosOffset(a0) ; set offset in parm block
move.w d1,ioPosMode(a0) ; set mode in parm block
move.w ioResult(a0),d0 ; leave result on stack
ext.l d0
jmp donext(PC)
; ------- (;CODE) is needed by the following words
dcol (;CODE),x,lseek,pscode
cfas rfrom,latest,pfa,cfa,store,semis
; ------- The following words are ;CODE type words
dcol CONSTANT,x,pscode,const
cfas kreate,comma
scode ; points to (;CODE)
concode addq.l #4,d6 ; runtime code for constant
move.l 0(a3,d6.l),-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcol :,I,const,colon ; this colon doesn't set Context
cfas qexec,stcsp ; to Current.
cfas kreate,rbrak
colcode suba.l a3,a4 ; convert absolute address to offset
move.l a4,-(a6) ; push current IP to Return stack
addq.l #4,d6 ; advance WP to pfa of word being def.
lea 0(a3,d6.l),a4 ; get absolute addr in A4
jmp donext(PC)
dcol DOES>,x,colon,does
cfas rfrom,latest,pfa
DATA store-origin
doescode addq.l #4,d6
suba.l a3,a4
move.l a4,-(a6)
move.l 0(a3,d6.l),d7
lea 0(a3,d7.l),a4
addq.l #4,d6
move.l d6,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcol VARIABLE,x,does,varb
cfas const
varcode addq.l #4,d6
move.l d6,-(SP)
jmp donext(PC)
dcode OBJMP,x,varb,objmp
move.l #(obcode-origin),d0 ; get addr of object code
jmp 0(a3,d0.l) ; obj puts its addr on stack
dcol (AB"),x,objmp,abq_ ; abort" runtime word
cfas mindup
eif. abq11
cfas cr,lit,10+origin,beep,here,count,type
cfas lit,63+origin,emit,space,R,count,type,abort
else. abq11
cfas rfrom,count,plus,aline,tor
ethen. abq11
cfas semis
dcol PREFIX,x,abq_,prefix ; prefix builder for mcfa
cfas builds,times4,wcomma,immed
cfas does
dopref cfas fetpfa
cfas cfa,over,wfetch,plus
cfas swap_,min4,over,fetch,lit,6+origin,subt
cfas fetch,subt,abq_
STR "invalid prefix "
cfas state
if. pre11
cfas comma,semis
then. pre11
cfas exec,semis
; execute 1cfa of object vector ivar
dcode X1CFA,x,prefix,x1cfa
move.l d5,a2 ; 1cfa is the fetch/deferred exec routine
clr.l d6
move.w (a4)+,d6 ; get offset to ivar
add.l (a2),d6 ; add base addr to get 1cfa addr in WP
move.l 0(a3,d6.l),d7 ; get code addr in d7
jmp 0(a3,d7.l)
dcol VOCABULARY,x,x1cfa,vocab
cfas builds
mlit $8120
cfas wcomma,currnt,min2,comma,here,vocl,comma
cfas vocl2,does
dovocab cfas plus2,contxt2,semis
; define prefixes for 3cfa variables,vects
ddoes PUT,I,vocab,preput,dopref ; 2cfa for all
DC.W 8
ddoes PUTDEF,I,preput,prputd,dopref ; 1cfa for sysVe
DC.W 4
; define code handlers for 3cfa variables,vects
DATA 0 ; fetch code for sysvect
DC.W 8 ; len to vect's pfa from 1cfa
dofetchv addq.l #8,d6 ; advance wp to pfa
move.l 0(a3,d6.l),-(SP) ; get contents of pfa
jmp donext(PC)
DATA preput+4-origin ; store code
DC.W 4 ; len to vect's pfa from 1cfa
dostore addq.l #4,d6 ; advance wp to pfa
move.l (SP)+,0(a3,d6.l) ; get contents of pfa
jmp donext(PC)
DATA 0 ; increment code
DC.W 8 ; len to vect's pfa from 1cfa
doincr addq.l #8,d6 ; advance wp to pfa
add.l d0,0(a3,d6.l) ; increment contents of pfa
jmp donext(PC)
DC.W 12
doexec add.l #12,d6
move.l 0(a3,d6.l),d6 ; get address to execute
move.l 0(a3,d6.l),d7 ; get contents of CFA
jmp 0(a3,d7.l) ; execute the code
DC.W 12 ; execute a system vector table entry
dosexec add.l #12,d6
move.l userdp(PC),d0 ; rel base of system vector table
add.l 0(a3,d6.l),d0 ; add offset into table
move.l 0(a3,d0.l),d1 ; get vector contents
beq dodeflt ; if 0, exec default
move.l d1,d6
bra.s sexec
dodeflt move.l 4(a3,d6.l),d6 ; get default cfa to execute
sexec move.l 0(a3,d6.l),d7 ; get contents of CFA
jmp 0(a3,d7.l) ; execute the code
DATA prputd+4-origin
DC.W 8 ; set offset, default for system vector
doputdef addq.l #8,d6
move.l (SP)+,0(a3,d6.l) ; set the offset
move.l (SP)+,4(a3,d6.l) ; set the default
jmp donext(PC)
DATA preput+4-origin
DC.W 4 ; set sys vector table entry for this vect
doputsv addq.l #4,d6
move.l userdp(PC),d0
add.l 0(a3,d6.l),d0 ; add the offset
move.l (SP)+,0(a3,d0.l) ; store the vector
jmp donext(PC)
DC.W 12 ; len to value's pfa from 1cfa
dofetch add.l #12,d6 ; advance wp to pfa
move.l 0(a3,d6.l),-(SP) ; get contents of pfa
jmp donext(PC)
dcol ",",x,prputd,comma ; begin comman dict entry
cfas here,store,pfour,allot,semis
dcol "W,",x,comma,wcomma ; begin Wcomma dict entry
cfas here,wstore,lit,2+origin,allot,semis
dcol "C,",x,wcomma,ccomma ; begin C, dict entry
cfas here,cstore,pone,allot,semis
dcol @PFA,x,ccomma,fetpfa
cfas mfind,zequ,abq_
STR "not found "
cfas drop,semis
dcol LFA,x,fetpfa,lfa
mlit 8
cfas subt,semis
dcol NFA,x,lfa,nfa
mlit 9
cfas subt
mlit -1
cfas traver,semis
dcol PFA,x,nfa,pfa
mlit 1
cfas traver,lit,9+origin,plus,semis
dcol ALIGN,x,pfa,aline
cfas dup
mlit 1
cfas and_,plus,semis
dcol DECIMAL,x,aline,decim
mlit $0a
cfas base2,semis
dcol HEX,x,decim,hex
mlit $10
cfas base2,semis
dcol (."),x,hex,dotq_
cfas r,count,dup,plus1,aline,rfrom,plus,toR,type
cfas semis
dcol PAD,x,dotq_,pad
mlit padbuf-origin
cfas semis
dcol #>,x,pad,enum
cfas drop2,hld,pad,over,subt,semis
dcol HOLD,x,enum,hold
DATA pmone-origin
cfas hld1,hld,cstore,semis
dcol SIGN,x,hold,sign
cfas rot,zless
if. Z3
mlit $2d
cfas hold
then. Z3
cfas semis
dcol #,x,sign,sharp
cfas base,msmod,rot
mlit 9
cfas over,less
if. Z4
mlit 7
cfas plus
then. Z4
mlit $30
cfas plus,hold,semis
dcol #S,x,sharp,sharps
begin. Z5
cfas sharp,dup2,or_,zequ
until. Z5
cfas semis
dcol <#,x,sharps,snum
cfas pad,hld2,semis
dcol D.R,x,snum,ddotr
cfas toR,swap_,over,dabs,snum,sharps,sign,enum,rfrom
cfas over,subt,spaces,type,semis
dcol D.,x,ddotr,ddot
mlit 0
cfas ddotr,space,semis
dcol .,x,ddot,dot
cfas sToD,ddot,semis
dcol U.,x,dot,udot
mlit 0
cfas ddot,semis
dcol .R,x,udot,dotR
cfas toR,sToD,rfrom,ddotr,semis
dcol ?,x,dotR,quest
cfas fetch,dot,semis
dcol SPACE,x,quest,space
cfas bl,emit,semis
dcol SPACES,x,space,spaces
mlit 0
do. Z7
cfas bl,emit
loop. Z7
cfas semis
dcol -TRAILING,x,spaces,mtrail
cfas dup
mlit 0
do. Z8
cfas over,over,plus,min1,cfetch,bl,subt
eif. Z10
cfas leave
else. Z10
cfas min1
ethen. Z10
loop. Z8
cfas semis
dcol N>COUNT,x,mtrail,ncount
cfas count
mlit $1f
cfas and_,semis
dcol ID.,x,ncount,iddot
cfas ncount,type,space,semis
dcol EMIT,x,iddot,emit
cfas dup,emitvec,pemitv,pone ; send the char via Quickdraw
cfas out1,semis
dcol TYPE,x,emit,type
cfas dup,out1,dup2,typevec,ptypev,semis
dcol CR,x,type,cr
cfas crvec,pcrvec,semis
dcol CONTBOT,x,cr,contbot
cfas port_,lit,windowsize+origin,plus,plus4
cfas wfetch,semis
dcol CONTTOP,x,contbot,conttop
cfas port_,lit,windowsize+origin,plus
cfas wfetch,semis
dcol ?LEAD,x,conttop,qlead ; return proper leading for fo
cfas port_,lit,txsize+origin,plus,wfetch
cfas lit,120+origin,star,lit,50+origin,plus ; Increase 120 f
cfas lit,100+origin,slash,semis
dcol ?LINES,x,qlead,qlines ; number of even lines in port
cfas qlead,contbot,conttop ; bottom-top of content rgn
cfas subt,over,plus1,subt ; minus ?LEAD+1
cfas swap_,slash,semis ; divided by ?LEAD
dcol BOTTOM,x,qlines,scrbot ; coordinate of screen bottom
cfas conttop,plus4,qlead,qlines,star,plus
cfas semis
dcol (CR),x,scrbot,cr_ ; simulate a CR in Quickdraw
cfas dotcur,fetxy,swap_,drop,lit,8+origin,swap_
cfas dup,scrbot,grt
eif. x27
cfas pzer,qlead,minus,scroll,gotoxy
else. x27
cfas qlead,plus
cfas gotoxy
ethen. x27
cfas dotcur,semis
dcol (BS),x,cr_,bs_
cfas dotcur,fetxy,swap_,lit,6+origin,subt,lit,8+origin,max
cfas swap_,dup2,gotoxy,bl,emit,gotoxy,dotcur,semis
dcol ?TERMINAL,x,bs_,qterm
cfas lit,$28+origin,qevt,semis
dcol (KEY),x,qterm,key_
mlit $2A ; kbd and mouse events
cfas getevt,lit,2+origin,grt
eif. Z100
cfas ftemsg,lit,$00ff+origin,and_
else. Z100
cfas pmone
ethen. Z100
cfas semis
dcol (DKEY),x,key_,dkey_
cfas ufcb,pone,lit,ftwork ; read 1 char from disk
cfas read_,dup,dkerr2
eif. y10
cfas keystor,pone,curs_2 ; restore to terminal if err
cfas lit,13+origin
else. y10
cfas lit,ftwork,cfetch ; leav char on stack
ethen. y10
cfas qpause,semis
dcol KEY!,x,dkey_,keystor ; reset KEY to keyboard
cfas lit,key_,keyvec2,semis
dcol KEY,x,keystor,key
cfas keyvec,semis ; vectored key
dcol <",x,key,diskin ; set to disk key inpu
cfas ufcb,close_,dot ; close the oldfile
cfas lit,useFcb,lit,80+origin,era,pzer,curs_2
cfas lit,34+origin,word,here,dup,cfetch,plus1
cfas lit,useFname,swap_,cmove
cfas lit,useFname,basadr,lit,useFcb,sflptr
cfas ufcb,pone,open_,dot
cfas cr,lit,dkey_,keyvec2,semis
; ------------ Disk words for FORTH screen handling
dcol !FPTR,x,diskin,sflptr ; ( ^fname pblock -- )
cfas lit,18+origin,plus,store,semis
dcol ?COMP,x,sflptr,qcomp
cfas state,zequ,abq_
STR "compilation only "
cfas semis
dcol ?DP,x,qcomp,qdp ; dp grown into heap?
cfas room,pone,less,abq_
STR " out of room "
cfas semis
dcol ?STACK,x,qdp,qstack
cfas spfet,s0,swap_,uless
cfas abq_
STR "empty stack "
cfas semis
dcol ?EXEC,x,qstack,qexec
cfas state,cstate,or_,abq_ ; err if class or forth compile
STR "run state only "
cfas semis
dcol ?PAIRS,x,qexec,qpairs
cfas subt,abq_
STR "unpaired conditionals "
cfas semis
dcol ?DECIMAL,x,qpairs,qdec
cfas base,lit,$0a+origin,subt,abq_
STR "must be decimal"
cfas semis
dcol ?CSP,x,qdec,qcsp
cfas spfet,csp,subt,abq_
STR "definition not finished "
cfas semis
dcol (NUMBER),x,qcsp,num_
begin. Z27
cfas plus1,dup,tor,cfetch,base,digit
while. Z27
cfas swap_,base,ustar,drop,rot,base
cfas ustar,dplus,dpl,plus1
if. Z28
cfas pone,dpl1
then. Z28
cfas rfrom
repeat. Z27
cfas rfrom,semis
dcol ?NUM,x,num_,qnum ; ( addr -- d t OR f )
mlit 0
mlit 0
cfas rot,dup,plus1,cfetch
mlit $2d
cfas equals,dup,tor,plus
mlit -1
begin. Z30
cfas dpl2,num_,dup,cfetch,bl,subt
while. Z30
cfas dup,cfetch,lit,$2e+origin,subt
if. zz177
cfas rfrom,drop,drop,drop2,pzer,semis
then. zz177
mlit 0
repeat. Z30
cfas drop,rfrom
if. Z31
cfas dminus
then. Z31
cfas pone,semis
dcol NUMBER,x,qnum,number ; ( addr -- d )
cfas qnum,zequ,abq_
STR "not found "
cfas semis
dcol LITERAL,I,number,liter
cfas state
if. Z32
cfas dup,lit
DATA $10000
cfas less,over,zless,zequ,and_
eif. zz39
cfas comp,wlit,wcomma
else. zz39
cfas comp,lit,comma ; builds word lit if n>=0 and n<$10000
ethen. zz39
then. Z32
cfas semis
dcol EXPECT,x,liter,expect
cfas over,plus,over
do. Z33
cfas key,dup,lit,8+origin,equals ; bs ?
eif. Z34
cfas drop,dup,i,equals,dup,rfrom,min2,plus,tor
eif. Z35
cfas lit,10+origin,beep
else. Z35
cfas bs_
ethen. Z35
cfas pzer
else. Z34
cfas dup,zequ
if. y118
cfas drop,lit,32+origin ; map null to space
then. y118
cfas dup,lit,$0d+origin,equals
eif. Z36
cfas leave,drop,pzer,pzer,cr
else. Z36
cfas dup
ethen. Z36
cfas r,cstore,pzer,r,plus1,cstore
ethen. Z34
cfas echovec
loop. Z33
cfas drop,semis
dcol WORD,x,expect,word
cfas tib
cfas in,plus,swap_,enclos
cfas word_,semis
dcol WORD",x,word,wordq ; lower-case version of word
cfas tib,in,plus,lit,34+origin,enclos
cfas lcword,here,semis
dcol FIND,x,wordq,mfind
cfas bl,word,ufind,dup,zequ
if. w72
cfas drop,here,contxt,fetch
cfas find_,dup,zequ
if. Z38
cfas contxt,currnt,subt
if. Z40
cfas drop,here,latest,find_
then. Z40
then. Z38
then. w72
cfas semis
ADJST ; X - null word
lkx DC.B $C1
DC.B $00
DATA lkmfind-origin
DATA colcode-origin ; not Fig standard -
cfas rfrom,drop ; note: doesn't support Forth screens
cfas semis
dcol "S,",x,x,scomma ; begin S, dict entry
cfas here,dup,cfetch,plus1,aline
cfas allot,dup,rot,toggle,semis
dcol (CREATE),x,scomma,creat_
cfas here,pone,and_
if. Z410
cfas pzer,ccomma
then. Z410
cfas mfind
if. Z420
cfas drop,nfa,iddot,dotq_
STR "is redefined "
cfas cr
then. Z420
cfas lit,$80+origin,scomma
cfas latest,comma,currnt
cfas store,here,plus4,comma,semis
dcol (INTRP),x,creat_,intrp_
begin. Z43
cfas mfind
eif. Z44
cfas state,less
eif. Z45
cfas cfa,comma
else. Z45
cfas cfa,exec
ethen. Z45
else. Z44
cfas here,number,dpl,plus1
eif. Z46
cfas dliter
else. Z46
cfas drop,liter
ethen. Z46
ethen. Z44
cfas qdp,qstack
again. Z43
cfas semis
dcol !CSP,x,intrp_,stcsp
cfas spfet,csp2,semis
dcol QUERY,x,stcsp,query
cfas tib,lit,$99+origin
cfas expvec,pzer,in2,semis
dcol <[,I,query,lbrak
mlit 0
cfas state2,semis
dcol ]>,x,lbrak,rbrak
mlit $c0
cfas state2,semis
dcol DEFINITIONS,x,rbrak,defs
cfas contxt,currnt2,semis
dcol <BUILDS,x,defs,builds
mlit 0
cfas const,semis
dcol OK,x,builds,ok
cfas depth,ptwo,dotr,base,dup
cfas lit,10+origin,equals
eif. xx11
cfas lit,45+origin,emit
else. xx11
cfas dup,lit,16+origin,equals
eif. xx12
cfas lit,36+origin,emit
else. xx12
cfas lit,63+origin,emit
ethen. xx12
ethen. xx11
cfas drop,lit,62+origin,emit
cfas semis
dcode Q,x,ok,q_
clr.w -(sp)
jmp donext(PC)
dcol QUIT,x,ok,quit
cfas pzer,in2
cfas lbrak,quvec,q_
cfas cr,ok
begin. Z48
cfas qdp,rpstor,query,interp,state,zequ
if. Z50
cfas ok
then. Z50
again. Z48
cfas semis
dcol BACK,x,quit,back
cfas here,subt,comma,semis
dcol FWD,x,back,fwd ; fill in fwd branch
cfas here,over,subt,swap_,store,semis
dcol BEGIN,I,fwd,begin
cfas qcomp,here,pone,semis
dcol THEN,I,begin,then
cfas qcomp,lit,2+origin,qpairs,fwd,semis
dcol DO,I,then,do ; compiles fwd branch for smart exit
cfas comp,do_,here,pzer,comma,lit,3+origin,semis
dcol LOOP,I,do,loop
cfas lit,3+origin,qpairs,comp,loop_,dup,plus4,back
cfas fwd,semis
dcol +LOOP,I,loop,ploop
cfas lit,3+origin,qpairs,comp,ploop_,dup,plus4,back
cfas fwd,semis
dcol COMPILE,x,ploop,comp
cfas qcomp,rfrom,dup,plus4
cfas tor,fetch,comma,semis
dcol [COMPILE],I,comp,bcomp
cfas fetpfa,cfa,comma,semis
dcol DLITERAL,I,bcomp,dliter
cfas state
if. Z51
cfas swap_,liter,liter
then. Z51
cfas semis
dcol UNTIL,I,dliter,until
cfas pone,qpairs,comp,bran0,back,semis
dcol AGAIN,I,until,again
cfas pone,qpairs,comp,bran,back,semis
dcol REPEAT,I,again,repeat
cfas tor,tor,again,rfrom,rfrom,min2
cfas then,semis
dcol IF,I,repeat,xif
cfas comp,bran0,here,pzer,comma,lit,2+origin,semis
dcol ELSE,I,xif,xelse
cfas lit,2+origin,qpairs,comp,bran,here,pzer,comma
cfas swap_,lit,2+origin,then,lit,2+origin,semis
dcol WHILE,I,xelse,while
cfas xif,plus2,semis
dcol EXIT,I,while,exit
cfas latest,pfa,cfa,fetch ; is this a pcolon def?
cfas lit,pcolcode,equals
eif. se10
cfas comp,semip ; yes, put in parm denester
else. se10
cfas comp,semis
ethen. se10
cfas semis
dcol ;,I,exit,semi ; immediate - semicolon def
cfas qcsp,exit,lbrak,semis
dcol .",I,semi,dotq
cfas state
eif. Z52
cfas comp,dotq_
cfas wordq ; lower-case word
cfas cfetch,plus1,aline,allot
else. Z52
cfas wordq,count,type
ethen. Z52
cfas semis
dcol IMMEDIATE,x,dotq,immed
cfas latest,lit,$40+origin,toggle,semis
dcol LATEST,x,immed,latest
cfas currnt,fetch,semis
dcol (,I,latest,lparen
cfas lit,$29+origin,word,semis
lktick DC.B $c1 ; tick
DC.B $27
DATA lklparen-origin
tick DATA colcode-origin
cfas fetpfa,liter,semis
dcol FORGET,x,tick,forget
cfas defs ; set current to context
cfas tick,dup,fence,uless,abq_
STR "in protected dictionary "
cfas dup,nfa,dp2,lfa,fetch,currnt
cfas store,semis
dcol ROOM,x,forget,room ; leave dict space left
cfas msiz,fetch,dp,bdp,fetch
cfas subt,subt,semis
dcol GREET,x,room,greet
cfas cls
mlit hello-origin
cfas count,type,cr
mlit bytesleft-origin
cfas count,type
cfas room,dot,cr,semis
dcol COLD,x,greet,xcold
cfas lit,aregn,fetch,zequ
if. w59
cfas intool ; only if we haven't gotten heap already
then. w59
cfas lit,inits0,fetch,s02,lit,initr0,fetch,r02
cfas lit,initfenc,fetch,fence2,lit,initvocl,fetch,vocl2
cfas lit,initdp,fetch,dp2,lit,initmp,fetch,m02
cfas lit,initlast,fetch,lit,forth_
cfas lit,$0a+origin,plus,store,decim,spstor,mpstor
cfas forth_,defs,pzer,warn2,objini,greet,quit,semis
dcol .PAUSE,x,xcold,dpause
cfas lit,pausemsg,count,type,semis
dcol ?PAUSE,x,dpause,qpause ; check if user wants to stop
cfas qterm
if. w43
cfas key_,drop,cr,dpause
cfas key_,cr,lit,0+origin,out2,lit,32+origin,grt
if. w44
cfas abort
then. w44
then. w43
cfas semis
dcol ABORT,x,qpause,abort
cfas cr
cfas spstor,mpstor,lit,key_,keyvec2,decim
cfas pone,curs_2,qstack,lbrak,forth_
cfas defs,abvec
cfas lit,$a850+origin,trap_ ; initCursor
cfas quit,semis
ddoes YERK,x,abort,forth_,dovocab ; FORTH vocabulary
DC.W $8120
vlf DATA lastdef-origin
dcol .VAL,x,forth_,dotval
cfas dotr,lit,2+origin,spaces,semis
dcol ?CFA,x,dotval,qcfa
cfas dup,plus4,nfa,ncount
cfas tor,r,plus,plus4,aline
cfas over,equals,rfrom,land_,semis
dcol (.STACK),x,qcfa,dstak_
cfas base,lit,ftwork1,store,dup2,grt ; preserve current base
eif. z61
do. z62
cfas cr,ifetch,dup,decim
cfas lit,8+origin,dotval,dup,hex,lit,36+origin,emit
cfas pzer,lit,6+origin,ddotr
cfas lit,3+origin,spaces,aline,min4,plus1,false
eif. z63
cfas plus4,nfa,iddot
else. z63
cfas drop
ethen. z63
cfas pfour
ploop. z62
else. z61
cfas lit,emptymsg,count,type,less
cfas abq_
STR "Stack Underflow "
ethen. z61
cfas lit,ftwork1,fetch,base2,cr restore base
cfas semis
Lastdef dcol .S,x,dstak_,dots
cfas spfet,s0,swap_,lit,dsmsg
cfas count,type,dstak_,r0,rpfet,lit,rsmsg
cfas count,type,dstak_,m0,mpfet,lit,msmsg
cfas count,type,dstak_
cfas semis
nextdef EQU *
SEG 0,32,VAR.LEN,$20
SEG_1 JP origin,1
STR "Yerk Version 3.3"
RSRC FREF,128,32
STR ""
RSRC FREF,129,32
STR ""
RSRC FREF,130,32
STR ""
RSRC FREF,131,32
STR ""
RSRC FREF,132,32
STR ""
RSRC ICN#,128,32
HEX 71c0.0000.cb20.0000
HEX c620.0000.6040.0000
HEX 3080.0000.1900.1f80
HEX 1900.2040.197e.4020
HEX 1981.9810.1e8e.e408
HEX 0ccf.3f87.3069.1803
HEX c864.8003.c864.4003
HEX c8c8.f003.c99f.8ff3
HEX c981.990f.c9ff.9903
HEX c8fd.8200.c801.8400
HEX c801.8200.c801.91ce
HEX c801.9939.c801.9f32
HEX c801.d724.c800.e308
HEX c800.0304.cfff.e322
HEX c000.1331.c000.1339
HEX ffff.e3ef.7fff.c1c6
HEX 71c0.0000.fbe0.0000
HEX ffe0.0000.7fc0.0000
HEX 3f80.0000.1f00.1f80
HEX 1f00.3fc0.1f7e.7fe0
HEX 1fff.fff0.1ffe.e7f8
HEX 0fff.ffff.3ff9.ffff
HEX fffc.ffff.fffc.7fff
HEX fff8.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ff0f.ffff.ff03
HEX ffff.fe00.ffff.fc00
HEX ffff.fe00.ffff.ffce
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.fffe
HEX ffff.fffc.ffff.fff8
HEX ffff.fffc.ffff.fffe
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.c1ff
HEX ffff.c1ef.7fff.c1c6
RSRC ICN#,129,32
HEX 71c7.fffe.cb2c.0001
HEX c62c.0001.604f.fff9
HEX 3087.fff9.1900.0019
HEX 1900.0019.197e.0019
HEX 1981.0019.1e8e.0019
HEX 0ccc.0019.3068.0019
HEX c864.0019.c864.0019
HEX c8c8.fc19.c99f.8219
HEX c981.9919.c9ff.9919
HEX c8fd.821f.c801.840e
HEX c801.8200.c801.91ce
HEX c801.9939.c801.9f32
HEX c801.d724.c800.e308
HEX c800.0304.cfff.e322
HEX c000.1331.c000.1339
HEX ffff.e3ef.7fff.c1c6
HEX 71c7.fffe.fbef.ffff
HEX ffef.ffff.7fcf.ffff
HEX 3fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 1fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 1fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 0fff.ffff.3fff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.fff8.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.fffe.ffff.fffc
HEX ffff.fffc.ffff.fffe
HEX ffff.f3ff.ffff.f3ff
HEX ffff.e3ef.7fff.c1c6
RSRC ICN#,130,32
HEX 71c7.fffe.cb2c.0001
HEX c62c.0001.604f.fff9
HEX 3087.fff9.1900.0019
HEX 1900.0019.1900.0019
HEX 1900.0019.1e00.0019
HEX 0c00.0019.3000.0019
HEX c800.0019.c800.0019
HEX c800.0019.c800.0019
HEX c800.0019.c800.0019
HEX c800.001f.c800.000f
HEX c800.0000.c800.01ce
HEX c800.0339.c800.0332
HEX c800.0324.c800.0308
HEX c800.0304.cfff.e322
HEX c000.1331.c000.1339
HEX ffff.e3cf.7fff.c1c6
HEX 71c7.fffe.fbef.ffff
HEX ffef.ffff.7fff.ffff
HEX 3fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 1fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 1fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 0fff.ffff.3fff.ffff
HEX 7fff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.fffe.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.fffe.ffff.fffc
HEX ffff.fffc.ffff.fffe
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.f3ff
HEX ffff.e3ef.7fff.c1c6
RSRC ICN#,131,32
HEX 71c7.fffe.cb2c.0001
HEX c62c.0001.604f.fff9
HEX 3087.fff9.1900.0019
HEX 1900.0019.1900.0019
HEX 1909.1899.1e09.2499
HEX 0c09.2499.0009.1899
HEX 7000.0019.c800.0019
HEX c989.2319.ca49.2499
HEX ca49.2499.c989.2319
HEX c800.001f.c800.000f
HEX c988.c000.ca49.21ce
HEX ca49.2339.c988.c332
HEX c800.0324.c800.0308
HEX c800.0304.cfff.f322
HEX c000.0b31.c000.0b39
HEX ffff.f3cf.7fff.e1c6
HEX 71c7.fffe.fbef.ffff
HEX ffef.ffff.7fff.ffff
HEX 3fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 1fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 1fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 0fff.ffff.0fff.ffff
HEX 7fff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.fffe.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.fffe.ffff.fffc
HEX ffff.fffc.ffff.fffe
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.f7ff.7fff.e7ce
RSRC ICN#,132,32
HEX 71c7.fffe.cb2c.0001
HEX c62c.0001.604f.fff9
HEX 3087.fff9.1900.0019
HEX 197f.0019.1900.0019
HEX 190f.f019.1e00.0019
HEX 0c0f.f019.0000.0019
HEX 7001.fc19.c800.0019
HEX c87f.fc19.c800.0019
HEX c80f.8019.c800.0019
HEX c87f.fe19.c800.001f
HEX c80f.f000.c800.01ce
HEX c803.c339.c800.0332
HEX c8ff.c324.c800.0308
HEX c800.0304.cfff.e332
HEX c000.1339.c000.133d
HEX ffff.f3cf.7fff.e1c6
HEX 638f.fffe.f7cf.ffff
HEX ffcf.ffff.7fff.ffff
HEX 3fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 1fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 1fff.ffff.1fff.ffff
HEX 1fff.ffff.7fff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff
HEX ffff.fffe.ffff.fffe
HEX ffff.fffe.ffff.fffe
HEX ffff.fffe.ffff.fffc
HEX ffff.fff8.ffff.fffc
HEX ffff.fffe.ffff.f3ff
HEX ffff.f3ee.7fff.f1c6
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DATA #1,#0
DATA #0,#0
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DATA /$5800
DATA 1022976
DATA 393216
DATA /$5800
DATA 393216
DATA 393216
RSRC vers,1
DATA $03308000
DATA /0000
STR "3.3.0"
STR "3.3.0 Yerkes Observatory"